Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Late Night, Early Day

Wood starts his "mids" shift today, or basically graveyards. He'll get home around 8am. So, to help his body try to adjust we stayed up very late last night. Or very early. Or whatever you want to call 6:00 am. It was made a little easier because we went to the Boston temple yesterday and then out to eat and didn't get home until around 1:30 in the morning. Wood just got the book Stone Tables by Orson Scott Card, so we spent most of the rest of the night reading together in that with a cookie break somewhere in there. Obviously today we slept in and now he's at work and I'm hoping I'll be able to get to sleep at a decent time tonight even though my day didn't start until so late. I'm sure I'll manage...I usually do when it comes to sleep!

I went out with some women from my ward tonight, all of whose husbands work at the same place Wood does. And it's always nice to hear their stories. They laughed when they heard I stayed up with Wood last night. "It's because they're newlyweds" was the consensus. Maybe. But I'm glad that my schedule has the flexibility right now that I can do that, even if it means putting a little kink in my sleeping pattern. They have children or jobs or both and it just wouldn't work. And I'm grateful for the time we get to have together, even if we are propping each others eyes open!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Getting Started

We agree with the Pennhens, blogging is a great way to keep up on what is going on in your lives! So we've decided to join in. Thank you M for our "anonymous" names.

We are loving New York! It is so green here and we are constantly amazed by how beautiful it is. Even drives to work are delightful. We are very close to the Adirondacks and have been able to go hiking and camping there several times. My parents were here for a weekend and we took them on a hike that led us to a beautiful lookout point. Wood and I plan on going back there in the autumn....I am soooooo excited for the colors! And we are delighted to be close enough to the Pennhens to be able to visit, though not as often as we would like...we hope to be able to go again soon...we had a great time!

The ward here is fantastic. We went to one week of RS/EQ and were promptly placed in with the nursery children. Normally I would worry about getting to know any adults in the ward, but we have met so many people already and it's great to jump in. We were able to go to Palmyra to help out with a youth temple trip and see the Hill Cumorah pagent too. We had a wonderful time and met great people. Wood plays basketball most Wednesday evenings with the Elders and I have been able to go to RS lunch groups and a temple trip. And we love serving together in nursery. Unfortunately Wood will have to work a few Sunday shifts where he won't be able to attend church, which makes me a little nervous. He is just great with the kids. Sometimes I will be struggling to get their attention or restore order when an upset has occured, but it seems futile. Then Wood will crouch down and wave to the kids "hey everyone, come here" and they all gather around him and listen. And the kids know that riding my knee horsie is not nearly as fun as riding his. Oh, I'll ask one of the moms to help, but I'm still not looking forward to the days he is gone!!

Wood is doing very well in his training. The first seven weeks were more book learning with multiple qualifications or "check-outs" that needed to be passed off. This week he started more of the "hands-on" learning and is working in an actual submarine nuclear reactor. It's just up on blocks instead of in the water. He is doing shift work, which will throw some kinks in our schedule, but it has its benefits too. For example this week he doesn't report to work until 11:30 am which means we now go running together in the mornings. And by running I mean jogging. And by jogging I mean I have suggested to him that if he wants, he's welcome to go on ahead of me. Fortunately for me, I think he goes more for the company. I am so lucky!

We love being married...64 days and getting better every day!