Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Rice Cereal


*My baby spoon is somewhere in my home (where is a very good question) so we used a measuring spoon instead. MaryP didn't seem to mind.


Lady said...

Congrats on the "Rice Cereal Milestone." My kids LOVED getting to eat rice cereal and anything else from a spoon. Some babies don't really dig that transistion but it couldn't come fast enough for my crew. Mary P seems to enjoy it as well.

smlaw said...

That is the happiest rice cereal eater ever!

Princess Gerty said...

My kids still LOVE eating out of measuring spoons! I hope you get settled and locate all your spoons soon!

B said...

I can't believe how different she looks! It's only been a month, and she looks so much older. I'm glad she's so happy to eat the cereal, regardless of it's mode of transportation!

Cougarg said...

I didn't know rice cereal was a carrier for rabies!! She's foaming at the mouth!! She seemed so sweet when I saw you guys, what a shame. LOL ;)

Anonymous said...

It's all about function, not esthetics.