Monday, February 04, 2008


(The lighting is bad, I know, but I love the smile).

I seem to miss the month marks for MaryP, so here is a 6.something month update.

MaryP is a delight. Who knew babies could be so fun? She did well at her 6 month check up, and is average for both weight and height. She is also learning to recognize who her parents are and was all smiles for the doctor until he held her - then it was panic and crying until she was back with mom. Fortunately she doesn't do this with everyone (phew!) but I must admit that it's fun to think that she knows her mom and even wants her (on occasion). Babies can be good for your ego.

MaryP LOVES her daddy. When he comes home from work is smiles and happy noises and making eyes. It's really cute.

Her first 2 teeth are in!
She wasn't too happy when they were coming in (and I really can't blame her) but now that they're here she's back to her cheery self. She "chews" some of her food now and though that may seems like a small thing, I continue to marvel at the things she does without anyone teaching her.

The new teeth also mean increased drool

and she chews on everything that can fit in her long as it's not fuzzy.
She sits up well, but still tips over when she gets distracted. Today she was rolling all over the place in her bedroom - I've never seen her do it quite that much - and was pushing herself up on her knees. I have a sneaking suspicion it won't be long before she's really mobile. I guess I'd better evaluate the baby-friendliness level of our home. Unfortunately we have floor heating, meaning hot electric heaters on the walls down low. I think that will be the place we will start in the "no touch" department. Any tips on teaching a baby to "no touch" would be appreciated.

MaryP still loves books (apparently they taste very good) and will turn the pages for me as we read. I have to hold a page up enough so that she can grab only that one page, but she knows just how to turn it. It's a good thing I can talk quickly (as those who have heard me get excited well know) because when she's really into turning the pages we fly through Brown Bear, Brown Bear, and other classics.

Happily, she is finally settling back into a routine (our move really cramped her style for awhile) which means both of us are sleeping more at night. Hooray!

We sure are lucky to have her in our lives.


alison said...

She's very cute! I'm glad you can enjoy her so much! It's definitely fun to see your kid grow and learn new things.

Toni said...

She's such a doll! I loved the part about you saying babies can be good for your ego. Jack recognizes Doug and me, and it's so fun that he'll only give US big smiles.

Ree said...

I love those big bright eyes!

Ooo, those heaters sound scary with an infant in the house. I know you'll repeat "don't touch" endlessly, but if she is like my kids, it still might not actuallly sink in until she gets burned. It's Sad but true--experience is sometimes the best teacher.

Taffy said...

I, too love those big bright eyes! She is growing up so fast! I can't believe it! Just do you best this winter to keep her away from the heaters. ext winter she will be big enough that you can teach her to stay away.

Lady said...

AAAwwww! She's so cute!! Teeth sure aren't fun coming in but they look so cute. As for hot heaters, perhaps you can put a chair or table in front of the heater making it impossible for her to climb near it. Thanks for the update!

Anonymous said...

She is really cute! Thanks for all the pictures!


smlaw said...

Cute little one! I have so many pictures of H chewing on everything! I couldn't believe how long the putting things in the mouth phase lasted. We are just now getting over it! She is very sweet- I wish I could give her a big squeeze!

Boss said...

That kid's a cutie!

I was going to make the same suggestions as Lady for blocking the heaters. I don't know how practical that would be, but I'm not sure verbal deterrents will be enough at that age. (And if you figure it out, let me know, cause I'm still trying to find a way to deter Grace from eating Malcom's dog food.)

Princess Gerty said...

We have had child-accessible heaters in most of our houses. I guess they haven't touched them though, until they were walking. So, it took just once touching it to learn, and they never did it again. (Just the other day, Abey came out of the other room, crying and signing "hot" because he had touched the heater. It won't happen again, and he survived without a scar).