Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Turning the Truck...Literally

How many "points" in a turn does it take a semi to make a U-turn in the middle of a street late at night when you're on your way to get your husband. I'll give you a's more then 2. :)


Taffy said...

Wow, sounds like a very exciting show. Sorry you were stuck behid that one.

Anonymous said...

First I thought I was on the wrong blog... But then it was de javou. I "like" to do that with my truck on the small narrow streets of Pittsburgh, mainly durring rush hour. Hope you were successfull in you mission. And now you know another answer to one of lifes mysteries-- like how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

Peanut said...

I guess a lot! Too many. Ugh. :)

Mark said...

EVERYBODY SING: "How many times - have I tried to turn this truck around? ..." (to the tune of "Release Me" from Wilson Phillips)

Your lyrics work too: "How many points in the turn to get this truck around?"

Boss and I need to get crackin' on the music video! Woodine, you can be consultant for the movie shoot.

Boss said...

Do we have a volunteer to play the truck driver?

Froga-lee said...

I really need that music video because I don't even know the wilson Phillips tune. I am in suspense at every truck reference.

Speaking of suspence, Woodine, to get to the art and gerbil website, go May's archive and search the comments about gerbils.

Paul said...

Maybe we should plan on shooting said video at the next family reunion.

Trick said...

When I read this blog, I immediately had boss's voice in my head with that song!