Saturday, October 14, 2006

Not your ordinary experience

Wednesday was one of those experiences that will probably stay with me forever. Wood said we should post about it.

We don't own a TV. This inhibits our TV watching which is fine with us since we can still watch movies on the comupter which is mostly what we'd want a TV for anyway. But, we discovered we can get BYU TV over the internet. So when Wood came home from his mids shift Wednesday morning he wanted to see if he could catch highlights of a previous BYU football game. That wasn't on until later that night. So instead we watched part of the 1999 BYU men's volleyball NCAA championship games. Yes, it's 7 year old, but we still got really excited about the games. We even pulled our love seat in front of the computer to watch.

After the games we were going to turn off the "TV" when Wood noticed one of the programs on a previous day.....Saturday's Warriors....dum dum dum. I have never seen Saturday's Warriors. I've heard people make reference to "I've seen that face somewhere before" but that's about it. He suggested that we watch it. He told me that if I wanted to get some of the jokes/references at family gatherings we really should watch it. So we plopped down for another two hours as the indoctrination began. I don't think I've laughed like that or seen that much spandex/poofy hair in a long time.

Now I get "We'll keep Pam". Now I get "I've seen that smile somewhere before". Now I can't get many of those tunes out of my head. Do they stay there forever? Wood and I keep going around singing pieces from the show. "Jimmy oh Jimmy don't listen to them....." "Hey Flinders, no Flinders, come on we've got to go Flinders" "Will I wait for you?" "We are not your ordinary, fearlessly extrodinary..." And we laugh every time. Yep, life will never be quite the same around our house. And some day when we have kids we'll have to gather them around and say "if you ever want to get some of our jokes, we have something you need to watch. But be are about to be exposed to a high dose of the 80's....and the songs in your head will never be the same!"


Anonymous said...

It's great the you have now seen that face somewhere before...

Lady said...

Woodine - I must admit that I have never seen it either - is the same fate awaiting me one day?

Emmy said...

That's awesome! I'm so excited that you have seen it. I guess we do reference it a lot. Now, all you have to do is listen to StarChild and maybe watch My Turn on Earth, and then you'll be set (I think).

Taffy said...

I'm glad you understand a little better now. Let the enlightenment begin!

B said...

Don't forget "Bou-ba-bou-ba-bou- ba-boouu-Bounce Back!"
LOL! I'm glad you guys had a good time...those are songs that stick or a while...Now you just have to hear "Stampeding Elephants!"

Paul said...

Yep. She's got to see/hear Starchild (the sequel to Saturday's Warriors), Bounce back!, and My Turn on Earth.

I have exposed my family to MToE, but not the others. (I was just informed that I've only made them listen to it; they haven't seen it yet.)

Peanut said...

Wood, wasn't that (1999 NCAA volleybal championship) the one we went to that summer in California? v. Long Beach? That was fun. Also, Woodine, I'm glad you've finally had the chance to see Saturday's Warrior! Welcome to the club. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, peanut, we were at that game. It was a great game then, and it was a great game when we watched it the other day. Kinda funny how much tension we had for a game we knew we had won 7 yrs ago.


Anonymous said...

It seems to me I remember a ChristmasHoliday When most of the REH's watched Napolean Dynamite and had a fun time quoting from that script for a long time afterward. It's such a lot of fun to have shared memories and to be in on the family jokes.

Man said...

How fun! Woodine thanks for relating this story...I've been laughing outloud here in the computer room. Pretty cooky, huh. Many hours of our childhooods were spent listening to that and other truly delicious tapes and videos. Glad you're getting in on the game.

Anonymous said...

As for those song from SW, They stay forever and ever, forever and ever,.....forever.

As do the fun and fond memories.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you finally saw Saturdays Worrior. It kept me going through thick and thin and rain and snow and ice. personally Dear John is my favorite song; the guys part of course. There was a time when I did trust a broken leg before I'd trust a dame.

Trick said...

I also laughed out loud as I read this. Saturday's Warrior is definitely part of the Henrichsen culture. I grew up singing the songs, never really knowing what they were singing about because we just had the cassette tape. It was not until we saw the 80's video that it all made sense. Welcome to the family, Woodine.