Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Of Games and Quilts and Funny Feet

Wood had a few days off last weekend (woo-hoo) so we made our way to PA to visit the PennHens. We arrived Friday evening in time for a yummy dinner (pretty good planning eh?). Lady's brother was also staying there and after dinner "the boys" played Settlers of Catan that we had brought with us. It was a weekend of games for Wood (good thing he likes them so much!). I think the boys played settlers once and Risk twice with some rounds of hit-the-deck in there. I wish I had some pictures of them playing...from phrases such as "ahhhhhhhh" and "oh no" and "everyone attack Uncle Wood" we decided it was getting pretty competitve! Not to mention Wood got to play Chutes-and-ladders and My Little Ponies Memory (not with the boys) as well as a game called Balloon Lagoon. I've never played the last game but Wood informed me that we'd definitely be investing in it. Guess I'd better learn how to play!

As Lady posted we also got to work on our quilt over the weekend. It kept bringing to mind the proverb "give a man a fish" vs "teach a man to fish." And fish we did. I'm glad she felt good about seeing it come together because I sure felt good about the process. It would be generous to say that I'm less-then-adept at sewing, but now I feel like I have a much better idea about the process (at least for making this kind of a quilt). And it looks fantastic on our bed and fits perfectly! It'll also save on our heating bill--it's been so cozy that we've been able to lower the thermostat even more--hooray!

**At this point I'd like to point out that not only is Lady 8+ months pregnant, raising 3 kids and has a husband away in the military, but after staying up late working on the quilt both she and Wood noted that I was the one who looked tired and asked if I wanted to go rest. And I thought to myself, "Rest?? You go and go every day. Every day. Yet here you are finding joy and energy in what you do and I'm tired. Wow....**Ainsley is just good at being so darn cute. Here she is dressed up as Tigger after a halloween party. I'd been reading to her in bed and I asked if she'd like to read to me. As you can see by the book in her hand she agreed to it. It was fun to hear her read the stories, describing to me what was going on in the pictures. She has quite an imagination! One story she read hurt my heart a bit. In it a bird receives a letter. As Ainsley "read" the letter to me she kept saying "Don't go to Iraq. It's very bad. Don't go to Iraq. It's very dangerous. There are evil soldiers there. Don't go to Iraq." I asked her if she thought her daddy was safe there and talked for just a minute about it and that yes, he was. I'm not sure how much she understood. I'm always surprised at what kids pick up on.

Ainsley also has quite the fashion for footware. Here she is sporting Wood's socks.
And here with some handy dish gloves....or are they chicken feet?
It seems like the weekends, even long ones, end too soon. Especially if they were as fantastic as this one!


Anonymous said...

I'm a little green with envy at this time. I think it would have been fun to spend that weekend there in Penn. Thanks for the pictures.Glad you had a fun trip.

Taffy said...

I was thinking the same thing sph-1. It sound like fun was had by all!

Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle Wood and Aunt Woodine,
I miss you! I wish I could see you. Will you come to my house for Christmas? Please?
Mimi, Buddy and Sweetsa

Anonymous said...

The picture of Ansley in the tiger costume looks exaclty like her mother. Strange what make-up can do. I should know.

Man said...

Thank you for taking care of my family while I'm gone. Great post!

Pooka said...

Man-o-man-o-man those chicken feet are hilarious!!!!!

Ree said...

I'm still laughing over the chicken feet, too! Great photos! Glad you all had a fun weekend.

Trick said...

I am also jealous, and I hope to see you guys soon. I can't wait for the crowd we'll have at Thanksgiving, but we'll miss the East Coast family members. Boo Hoo.