Friday, February 09, 2007

Relativity, Math Nerds, and Updates

So, Woodine and I went on a walk today and here are some quotes:

Woodine: The weather is so nice! I'm glad it's 20 degrees.
Woodine: Ahh, the cold wind in your face. It makes you feel alive. At this point my dad would say, "It makes me glad I'm not an elk."
Wood: Is that because elk don't have faces?

I know that there are a few that are frozen that would probably laugh and say, "You think it's cold there? Let me tell you something. . ." but it is still cold to me. We were chuckling about how nice weather in February is very different from nice weather at other times of the year. Twelve degrees below freezing was the high not only for the day here, but the week. So in our book, the weather is nice right now.

Well, exactly one year ago today, I turned 26. Which means that I have reached the last


age for 229 years. I know I blew past 1 to the first and 2 squared before I could really appreciate them for what they were, - - but I promise to appreciate three cubed for all that it is. And I guess if I reach the age of 256, I'll do the same.

Well, in other news:
(we apologize for not doing a blog for a month and a half)

We just went to PA to visit the Penn Hens. I was able to be in the circle for Piper's blessing. We really enjoyed the visit. I love Man and Lady and their kids. I was really glad to see my Dad too.

We are planning a trip to NY city at the beginning of March. I've never really been there. Woodine is loving making the plans (I secretly think she enjoys planning vacations as much or more than taking vacations). She gets it from her mom. I'm excited to see a Broadway show, and see the sights and mostly to have a good time with my wife.

Woodine hasn't been nearly as morning sick recently. She surprised herself by realizing she finally likes food again. Neither of us miss it. Good riddance! Lady's mom Reenie teasingly chided Christine because "You're supposed to gain weight when you are pregnant." I don't think she is even back to weighing as much as she did before getting pregnant. I'm glad she is eating, keeping it down, and slowly gaining it back.

We converted some of our friends to Settlers in January.

I just finished Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card. I loved it. I remember hating it when I was younger. I listened to it (book on CD) mostly during my drives to and from work. Now I need to get my hands on Xenocide. I have fond memories of our vacation when we read it as a family, but I think I'll get more out of it now.

Lastly, I still don't know when we will be done in NY. I was hoping we would have the baby here, but I might be done with my training before July. So we'll have the baby either here or in Connecticut. We will hopefully find out pink or blue when we consult the ultra sonic fashion advisor in 3 weeks. Till then. . .


Emmy said...

Happy Birthday Wood!

B said...

Hope your bday was was fun to talk to you! Plus that was hilarious about the elk, LOL!

Cougarg said...

Yeah Happy Birthday! I knew your birthday was close to Jay's, but was not sure just when it was. Jay said an easy way to remember was his birthday is 2^2 and yours is 3^2. So this year you reached 3^3 on 3^2! How's that for not being much of a math nerd?

dani said...

Paul laughed and chuckled his way thru your entry there Wood! I'm sure he meant to tell you Happy Bday so I will do it for him! (and myself of course!) Happy Bday from the both of us! Hope your day was as great as you are!

Trick said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOOD!!!! I am laughing because my children do not even know what cold is. Our son especially gets annoyed when he can't just wear shorts and a t-shirt. Things have already warmed up here, and we often don't need sweaters anymore. Enjoy your ice and snow!

Peanut said...

Happy birthday Wood! And I look forward to hearing what the ultrasonic fashion advisor has to say.