Saturday, February 17, 2007

Snow Day

Well, I think I jinxed myself with the previous post - though what we got was still nothing even close to Oswego (I can't even imagine!!). On Wednesday we got quite a storm- the same one that's been moving across the country. Actually, it was kind of fun because Wood had just ended his mids shift. This means he'd been at work all night and was now trying to adjust his body back to a normal schedule by staying up all day. So we played. He made a yummy apple breakfast cake and then we spent most of the day inside playing games* or just watching how quickly the snow accumulated. I love being warm inside and looking at the cold, snowy outside...I think that is one of my favorite things. And warm we stayed (thankfully). We have some elderly people that live out in the boonies and some single sisters in our ward that I worried about their losing was really cold! Fortunately, our previous ice storm removed most of the trees that were planning on falling this season--I haven't heard of a single person losing their power which I'm grateful for!

Living in apartments it never even occurred to us to purchase a snow shovel. But when we watched others digging out their cars we realized it might be handy to have one (a little bit of a late realization at that point). Fortunately we have some good neighbors who lent us one and Wood went to work digging out our car. Someday there are 3 things I wish to own. One of them is a garage. Granted we'd have to shovel a driveway. But no ice removal most mornings. And perhaps slightly more moderate temperatures in the car. It just sounds luxurious to me. The other two items? A garbage disposal and a dish washer. Some day, some day....

They do such a great job of clearing the streets here that driving isn't a problem and now we can just enjoy the beautiful whiteness of it all. The picture was taken sometime mid-storm. Can you tell which way the wind was blowing? By the end there was one car in our lot that looked like a pile of snow...but we know there was a car under there somewhere!!

* Wood wanted me to note that he beat me in Scrabble, probably with a bunch of exclamation points!!!!!!!!! After spending a summer living with my grandparents who are very, very good at it and a little competitive, it's become one of my favorites and Wood agrees to play it with me from time to time. Hooray for snow days!


B said...

Wow! that was quite a storm! I'm glad you were able to enjoy it from the warm indoors, playing games together! What an especially great way to spend Valentine's Day! Lucky Woods!

Lady said...

I agree Woodine - I love the snow if I can stay warm inside and watch it from a distance. I hate the snow if we have to drive in it, ie...Dan's car and other instances we've had when driving in the snow. I'm glad you guys had the day together.

Trick said...

Woodine, I know a dishwasher will bring much rejoicing! I still have yet to enjoy the luxury of a disposal. That would be nice! At least we have experiences like these to help us appreciate blessings.

Taffy said...

That's a lot of snow! Ihope you were all stocked up on hot chocolate!