Tuesday, August 07, 2007


For our 10 week stint in Connecticut we are only taking what we can fit in our car. Everything else will be stored, then shipped to Washington. The following progression is why we wish we could find a way to squeeze in the baby swing. Maybe we could strap it on top of the car?

She goes from this

to this

to this -hooray!


Shana said...

We have the same swing here in CT and you could totally borrow it, since our babies are too big for it now. And there's no place in CT that's too far away--we could meet up somewhere and do lunch. Let us know when you get here and we'll bring ya a swing! Problem solved.

Peanut said...

Wow! That's some progression! Cute too.

B said...

Wow! I was going to say that there are portable ones, but so much better, an offer for lunch and a swing! problem solved indeed! Ain't family great !)

Christine said...

Shana, we'll definitely take you up on that....thanks so much!

Lady said...

As we speak, Piper who is just shy of 9 months, is asleep in the swing. She still takes roughly 2 naps a day in her swing. Gotta Have It!

Princess Gerty said...

I was going to suggest borrowing a swing, ans voila, there you have your solution. I borrowed a swing for our last baby, and it was great because Abey did not want to stay in it once he could roll and crawl.