Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Have your children ever done this to you?

Right before our move MaryP started acting differently. It started on Saturday with her cry sounding scratchy. I don't know how else to describe it - it really sounded like she was becoming hoarse. Sunday she sounded worse, but no fever, so I called the on-call pediatrician because I'm a new mommy with a steep learning curve and a touch of paranoia. He said it may be something viral and it might be good to bring her in on Monday or Tuesday to our doctor. Except we were moving that day. So we made the drive to Connecticut and MaryP did well until the very end.

Monday she still sounded hoarse and, though no fever, was not herself. Instead of really crying if she was upset (like she normally does) she would make these whimpery little cries. And she was acting more mellow/clingy.

Enter paranoid new mommy.

I called the doctors Monday morning, but because we just moved here and it's a temporary duty assignment for Wood they had neither mine nor MaryP's medical records and would not allow me to make an appointment until all of the paper work was complete (don't they make exceptions for people who have been there less then 24 hours?). So, Wood came home for lunch and we started running around trying to get the paperwork done. I dropped him off at work so I could have the car and continued plowing ahead. A seemingly long time later, paperwork done!

MaryP still was acting whimpery. Kindly, the doctor made a special arrangement to see us that day because I'd been unable to make an appointment. Hooray.

About 3 minutes before the doctor sees us MaryP decides she's really hungry (I'm not good at nursing in public yet and she was happy if I swung her, so she was a little overdue for her lunch) and starts screaming. Loudly. It doesn't sound hoarse. She's not whimpering. Enter doctor.

*I feel so stupid at this point!

Me: Really, for the last 3 days she's had a hoarse voice.
Doctor: She doesn't sound hoarse to me.
Me: And she hasn't been crying much, more whimpering.
Doctor: Sounds good to me.
Me: And she's been acting sort of lethargic.
Doctor: This doesn't look too lethargic.
Me: Sighhhhhhh

MaryP checked out just fine, though the doctor said we could use Tylenol and graciously remarked that mother's intuition is often best. He did re-define lethargic for me, which will be logged away into my catalog of "when to worry about your kid" definitions.

Yesterday MaryP was back to her amiable self, I'm so glad she is healthy. I'd rather wound my own pride and have her be healthy .... but I sure felt silly. I did speak with my older brother who laughed and said his 2 boys have done the same thing - be sick right up until the doctors appointment, then show no signs of having ever been ill.

Ah well, our paper work is done and hopefully I won't have to worry about anything here but well baby visits.


Anonymous said...

Sorry it had to be such an anxiety producing experience. Hopefully MaryP will remain well.Thanks for the post so we know your arrived safe and sound. How is the room? Does Mary P sleep well at night? and how are the neighbors? We sure do love you "guys"!

Lady said...

Been there many times. I always think, if they are sick one more day I'll take them in. Then one more day comes and I get my appointment and - FINE! Terrible coughing flem before - at the doctors - not even a clearing of the throat!(all the while I'm thinking - I have should have waitned ONE MORE day!) Oh Yeah! Love paying those co-pays for, "it's a virus and it will run it's course". But better be safe than sorry for sure!

Taffy said...

Always better safe than sorry! You did the right thing. I would have done the same. Good job New Mommy!

Boss said...

Yep. Been there, done that a time or two or three myself. I'm glad MaryP's OK, little trickster that she is.

zippy said...

Glad to hear all is well! Oh and by the way, it's not just a "new mom" thing--we've all been there new and experienced, and we'll do it again. It's all part of loving and taking care of our kids. Glad to hear your Dr. validated that a mother's intuition is important!

And in other news...glad I came across you blog! MaryP is gorgeous! Congrats! Come check out our blog sometime. : )

Princess Gerty said...

I have done the same thing, too! I am grateful I have always had supportive Dr's. It happens and it's okay.