Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Going Bald

My older brother said that as a child I looked like a white Diana Ross. My hair has always been "large and in charge" so to speak. I've often had it intentionally thinned at hair appointments in an attempt to manage it. I usually still end up with a small afro by the evenings.

Lately though I've been worried about going bald. Well, not really, but about a month ago MaryP started taking more bottles (for a variety of reasons) and I'm only nursing about 1/3 of the time now. Ever since then my hair has been falling out and every time I brush it, especially right after I wash it, more hair ends up in my brush then I feel good about, and more in my hands too.

I've heard about post-pregnancy hair loss - how long does this go on for?

Hopefully not too long, or Diana Ross could end up looking like Sinead O'Connor.


alison said...

Until all the hair you didn't lose while pregnant comes out...but I haven't gone bald yet, so you likely won't either.

Cougarg said...

Well, if it happens at least the whole family will match! Always look for the silver linings, right?

I stinketh not!! said...

you might look good bald, You and your daughter would have the same hairstyle, and with wood keeping his as short as he does you could all match. :) look on the sunny side

I stinketh not!! said...

ok.. i published my comment first.. 1:26 NY time :)

Christine said...

Oooh, your both on NY time. Good timing you too. :)

Yep, we'd definitely have to get a family picture taken then!

Natalie said...

Funny post... I think when you stop nursing and your hormones have a chance to get back to normal (are hormones ever really normal though?) your hair will stop coming out.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Yeah, the whole family is pretty disgusted with my hair (loss that is.) This time around it's coming out during the pregnancy, instead of waiting til afterward. It's pretty bad when your own children say "Ew, Mommy your hair is everywhere!" (Emphasis on the EW!) Hang in there, it will stop eventually!)

Taffy said...

It will stop, but it might take a while. When it starts to grow back in and you have little hairs an inch long all over your head you can see just how much you really lost!

chellae said...

Mine still falls out. Sorry. However, I have so much hair, like you, that I don't ever think it will be a problem. I still get my hair thinned every now and again.