Thursday, December 06, 2007

Six Things

Someone challenged me to blog tag, so here are 6 interesting/little known things about me:

1. Thanks to my hubby, I now enjoy some techno music (particularly Daft Punk).

2. I've maneuvered the bucket on one of these bad boys for work.

3. My goal is to one day write a book/books for children - I love children's literature and storytelling.

4. As a child I though ET and the gremlins lived under my bed ..... I still won't watch those movies.

5. I don't have a problem with reading ahead in a book if I'm getting worried about the outcome. Then I'll go back and read the middle and thoroughly enjoy it.

6. I just discovered that I enjoy cranberries on turkey - who knew?!


Cougarg said...

You know, I wouldn't have said I liked techno 10 years ago either. But, I met these guys about 9 years ago that helped me appreciate some Daft Punk along with other groups featured on The Saint soundtrack. I think you might know some of them.

zippy said...

#4--I can totally relate. For Christmas the year E.T. came out, my parents decided to surprise me and my sister with matching E.T. "dolls" since I had loved the movie so much in the theater. I say "doll" because "stuffed animal" doesn't fit as it wasn't soft and furry, it was made of "p-leather". While I enjoyed the movie and even thought E.T. in the movie was cute, something about the creature that came out of the box FREAKED me out!! I screamed when I pulled him out of the box and then cried it scared me so-o bad. Needless to say, I haven't watched the movie since then.

John Robinson said...

As long as we're going back 9 years, we might as well go back 11. I was playing Necromunda at the local hobby shop. I didn't know what it was at the time but the owner had discovery on repeat and I hung out for about six hours that day. At the time I thought "That one song with the ocean sounds is pretty cool" I still like the ocean sounds ;)

Anonymous said...

I don't like skipping ahead in books ... however, I do find I often enjoy my second read more than the first because I'm not distracted by the need to find out what happens.

I also discovered the goodness of cranberries and turkey--turkey/cranberry sandwiches are incredible.

caron said...

I remember the opening scene of ET scaring me so badly in the theater that I hid under the seat and refused to come out until it was over. It took me years to actually watch the movie.
And I'm okay with reading the end of books, too. Especially when it's 3 in the morning and I have to go to work in the morning. But I HAVE to know what happens or I will just burst.
One more. The best sandwich I have ever had I bought at Starbucks in an airport. It was turkey with craisins and it was fantastic. I'm almost afraid to try it again in fear it won't live up to the hype I've placed on it over the years. But I will if I ever make it back to Starbucks again.

Princess Gerty said...

You are so lucky! One of "those bad boys" looks like fun to work with!