Sunday, June 08, 2008

Everything Else in May

Updates On What We Have Been Up To In May
episode 3 of 3

So I must admit this is pretty late for May. Sorry.

We injured ourselves/got sick a lot in May. I sprained my ankle playing none other than Ultimate Frisbee. Then I dropped a clamp on my foot a few days later that bruised my foot (hurts still . . . but just a little bit ~ 1 month later). Woodine's knee was bothering her. MaryP had an allergic reaction to Peanut Butter (I'm really sad about it. No peanut butter? How can you live? And I know you are not supposed to give babies PB until they are 1 yr, but honestly would everything have been different if we waited 50 more days to find out she was allergic to it?). Woodine burned her palm pretty badly one night when we were making cookies. She leaned on the table, not realizing the pan that just came out of the oven was there. Since she was leaning with her weight, she couldn't pull away especially quickly. Her hand blistered up. We thought about little Piper, and I just can't imagine how much she must have hurt when she burned her hands. Anyway, Woodine slept on the sofa so she could elevate the hand because it hurt so bad. We wrapped it with ice, and I slept on the floor beside the sofa. But she was blessed to heal very quickly, and we have rediscovered our Mayo Clinic Family Health Book that Woodine's grandparents gave us for Christmas (we've spent some quality time looking through it recently - and not just out of necessity, but because it is also interesting).

But enough about our medical woes. I also modified my favorite pair of pants with my intrepid wife's help. I wanted a drawstring on the cuffs of my pant legs so that I could tighten them to keep out bugs and water and such as I am hiking. But my pants have a zipper down there to enable loosening of the cuff. I didn't want to disable the zipper action, so I designed a draw string that could be detached on one side so if I wanted to unzip the cuff, I still could but I could also tighten it using the drawstring.

I found some small hooks (like those found on dresses) and some elastic at Joanne's Fabric. The fabric store regulars made comments about me (a man) looking for dress hooks and elastic bands - but I gave them no heed, intent on my purposes. I anchored the elastic on one side of the zipper, sewed the elastic into a new hem around the bottom of the leg, and attached a drawstring clip on the elastic and ended with an overhand knot pulled super tight which could be inserted into the dress hook sewn to the location where I anchored the elastic. It works great!
At the end of the month, Woodine's parents visited. It was a lot of fun to see them. Not only do I have the best wife in the world, but I have the best in-laws in the world too. We went hiking at the Sol Duc river again, and enjoyed the scenic car ride and good company. They took us out for Mexican food, and we enjoyed going to church together. I love this area a lot, but I wish we lived a little closer to Woodine's parents, and mine. Or maybe I just wish air travel was cheaper and faster. In any case, I love it when people visit us, or when I can get away to visit others. I am really excited for Reunion this July.


Dave said...

Don't listen to those JoAnn's Fabric old ladies.... last year I got the bright idea that all us kids should make a quilt for my mom for her 50th birthday, and since it was my idea, I was the one who had to sew the whole thing together. The only thing more manly than searching for fabric hooks and elastic is asking the clerk about the different qualities of batting and having your brother-in-law look at you like a freak as you are hunched over a sewing machine....

Princess Gerty said...

I can't wait to see your pants in person in July--but even more important, I can't wait to see your whole family!! Yahoo!

I hope everyone is healed and healthy now.

Cougarg said...

I hope the sprain wasn't as bad as the other Ultimate Frisbee sprain I am thinking of. I had to chuckle when I read that. Not at your pain, just that it happened again.

B said...

Wood, I could totally hear your voice as I read this post! Even your little chuckles! I hope everyone is feeling better, and so sorry that little MaryP will have to forgo the joy of peanut butter in her life...poor thing!

And most of all I am so excited for you guys to stay here before/after reunion!

Boss said...

Oh my! I hope everyone is feeling better soon, especially Mary P. I don't want to minimize your's and Woodine's injuries, but a life without peanut butter might be the worst injury of all.

I stinketh not!! said...

:) Glad to see you have moved on to more advanced sewing. I'm sorry to hear about all of your guys mishaps. I can't wait to come out and see you guys.I can't belive MaryP will be a year all ready. I hope that we can all go hiking next year. I know I'm excited to search the rain forests for some Vampires :)

Lady said...

Thanks for the update P. Woodine - I sure hope your hand is feeling better. Burns hurt SOOOO bad and watching poor Piper broke my heart. I've only ever had such a small taste of what she went thru. Way to Go Wood with your engineering. Reminds me of a pulley system I have in my garage.