Sunday, August 10, 2008

Baby Doll

After watching MaryP play with her cousins' baby dolls we decided to get one for her with some of her birthday money (thanks Great Grandparents). She picked it out (from a few choices). It is amazing to me how she loves that doll - the way she will pat it's head or try to feed it the bottle it came with (or her food for that matter). Watching my baby show love reaffirms for me that she is not just developing her personality, it is also being uncovered - she was someone special before she ever came to this earth.


Taffy said...

She is so sweet. I'm glad Kiersti's baby was there so you could discover what a great little mommy she is!

Lady said...

I is amazing they know what to do. Piper got a doll for Christmas when she was Mary Ps age and she cradled it and patted it and we all wondered how she knew to do that. But I do think that girls have that instinct. I don't ever remember my boys picking up a doll and knowing how to love it.

I stinketh not!! said...

She is just practing for a baby brother or sister :)I can't belive she is getting so big.

Princess Gerty said...

I have seen my boys "nurture" dolls. Abey holds his sisters dolls and says, "sh! Baby! Sh! Baby!" However, Princess A definitely is more of the mothering type. She even does it to the stuffed animals. Yes, there is just a difference in girls. Mary P is SOOO CUTE! What a great girl!