Sunday, July 20, 2008


My wife was called into the Primary Presidency about 2 months ago. I was released from teaching the Sunbeams at that time, but not given a new calling*. I still don't have one, but that's ok. I'm kinda the "spare dude" the Primary Presidency turns to when they need something done. I have been the Primary Chorister now for every week except once when I substituted for Sunbeams.

I've really liked the not-calling quite a bit. I was daunted at the realization that these kids had to know:
I am a Child of God (3 vs)
Called to Serve (2 vs)
We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet (3 vs)
Home (3 vs)
Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
I Love to See the Temple (2 vs)

and probably some others that I can't think of right now. I had been in the Jr Primary for the whole year, and I knew how weak we were at most of these songs. Luckily with a lot of help from my wife, a whole lot of sweat (it's hot in the Primary room when you are up there trying to encourage and direct a bunch of kids), and an internet search engine connected to a lot of clip art the primary children are doing much better at all the songs.

Woodine had a great idea of using signs that had opposites on them:
mouse = sing quietly / Lion = sing loud
rabbit = sing fast / turtle = sing slow
Smiling face mouth open = sing / smiling face mouth closed = hum
The kids really like the signs and love it even more when they hold them.

I pinned the pictures up to a bulletin board that I could wheel around so the kids could see. But this week I got wise and taped them to some brown butcher paper so that I don't have to furiously pin pictures up during sharing time. I also made this giant pointer ~ 4 ft long out of a dowel that works great to point at pictures while not obscuring any child's view. I probably won't be doing this very much longer, and I am really going to miss it.

Here are a couple of my favorite pictures:
Seriously, how many times can you legitimately paste a picture of 2 ninjas fighting in front of Primary kids in church?

- I couldn't think of anything else for smitten, but the kids sure loved this one!

Anyway, I have had a lot of fun, I look forward to actually getting a calling*, but I'm not in any hurry. Until then . . .

*(besides home teaching)


Cougarg said...

My mom has been highly involved with primary since 1979. So I read her your post, and she really liked your description of your experience. She says that primary chorister has been her favorite calling in the church. She mentioned that spending any amount of time doing it, you start to really pick up on what works with the kids, and that it was fun to hear you figuring all the same stuff she did, way back when.

Speaking of which, I hope you don't mind if I use this opportunity to advertise a little for her website,

Latter-Day Village is a web resource for primary, YW, Sunday School, RS and EQ. There is a free portion to the site, as well as a la carte items, and subscriptions. They also have scrapbooking materials, if that is an interest to Woodine. Don't feel any obligation to buy anything, but check it out. Maybe you'll find something that'll be useful!

alison said...

As long as you can point to different pictures and the pianist can see what you're doing...I always loved playing/singing primary songs opposite ways. It was my favorite part of singing time.I usually like not having a calling too--it's like you're always needed and wanted for fun things and you can do a good-wonderful job and feel satisfied with just that. No long-term commitment needed. :)

Princess Gerty said...

Wood, you are the best! Your Primary is really blessed.

Dave said...

I taught primary for a year before we moved, and Cara was primary president. That's *why* we moved. Hah! Now, we've been in our new ward to 2 weeks and she's already in Young Women's, and I am enjoying life like you, with no calling at all. Our wives are just more impressive than us, I guess.