Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Memory of Aunt Betty

I was driving home from Woodine's Grandparents (who taxied us to and from the airport) following a wonderful trip to San Diego. As I drove, I was reminded of my Aunt Betty. She passed away this last year, and is buried in a beautiful cemetery that is just off the road we take to drive home from the Seattle-Tacoma area.

In particular, I was reminded of her funeral and the comment that was made that, "Betty never said a mean thing about anyone - ever." I think that can be said about her two sisters as well. I am lucky to have one as a mom. I wish people would say that of me. . . and be truthful. Right now I don't think it would be, but after this evening I have more motivation to live and act like my mom and aunts and watch what I say (and think - because that's where it all starts) more carefully. Thank you Aunt Betty.


John said...

So true. Thank you for the post. I too need to work on speaking more kindly to and about people.

Princess Gerty said...

I really agree. I wish I were more like our Mom (and Aunts) in that way. I was trying to explain this to my friend a few months ago I just don't think she got it. I tried to describe how gossip was just not a part of our household. I knew it growing up without even consciously thinking it. Our mom would always say kind things about others.

Ree said...

Thanks for sharing the memory and the reminder.

Cougarg said...

Thinking about it, your parents are some of the nicest people I know. I don't know them as well as the Mallard's, but I can't recall a mean thing coming out of their mouths. And it has always struck me that your folks were willing to lend me their car so I could drive down to CA for the baptism of one of my former investigators. Not that I ended up taking their offer, but that they would offer something like that at all has stayed with me all this time.