Thursday, March 26, 2009


You may remember that MaryP is allergic to peanut butter. Thankfully not scary anapylactic allergic - but just an inconvenient topical rash allergic. The pediatrician thinks the allergy should go away in a few years and we're keeping our fingers crossed. Meanwhile, we haven't been eating a whole lot of peanutbutter sandwhiches around here.

Yesterday we were at Costco when we spotted samples of their Almond butter on cracker. (Don't you just love free samples?!) Anyway, since I already knew MaryP was not allergic to almonds (or any other nuts) we gave it a go. And she LOVED it. Woo-hoo! So of course we had to buy a jar of the stuff. I have to say, I like my processed, sweetend PB better, but the almond butter isn't too bad. Now she can have AB&J and I'm so excited because lets face it, PB, or AB, is a staple for any household. Right?????

As long as we're discussing protein I should mention that Wood and I got a little extra protein today as well. We were eating our oatmeal when Wood stops and starts closely examining his food. A tiny brown bug to be specific. I stopped eating and looked more closely at my bowl. And yeah, the little brown flecks I assumed were from the oats were actually weevils!! Blech. I don't know, between lint and weevils I think I've had enough food excitement for one week, thank you very much.


Chelsea said...

Ewwwwww! We used to have ant problems on my mission and the health sisters said it was just extra protein. Yeah right!!

Leisa said...

I've seen that almond butter at costco too, and wondered if it was worth the money. It's kind of pricey. But I guess if its that or nothing, it's probably worth it.

Princess Gerty said...

Yum! Yay for AB!!