Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Catching Up

We've been delinquent in posting and so much has happened. Since time is of the essence right now I'm sticking primarily with pictures!

Grandmas are great! Thanks so much to my mother and MIL for the much appreciated help! It allowed me to get back on my feet much more quickly than I would have otherwise. It also preserved my sanity.

We've seen both sets of my grandparents but I only got pictures of one. I know I am grateful to have met and have memories of my great grandparents - I hope my children can say the same thing.
BabyA is one month old now. Yikes! He is so much more alert and smiling at us from time to time. I have yet to capture his smile on camera but I LOVE it. We all do!
She is such a good little mommy to her baby dolls.
Impromptu cat costume - just for fun.

Cinderella and Spiderman (UncleN) getting ready to go trick-or-treating.
I always loathed putting a coat over my own costume. But of course I made my daughter do the same - it was chilly!
Blessing day.

Brother and sister. (BabyA is actually very calm when MaryP is holding him and she sure loves her brother - it's a nice set-up).


Joella said...

So cute! Love the pictures!

Ree said...

Such a beautiful family! Thanks for sharing your photos.

Leisa said...

So nice that your family could come by to help out. Moms are the best, and are always willing to help out when it comes to grandchildren. I told my mom she was welcome to come and stay when our little one is born for as long as she can stand to be away from home.

Beatrice said...

Aww... I love all the pictures! Adam looks so cute in the blessing outfit. :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE the pictures! So beautiful. You all look so good together.

BabyA is just the most precious thing. I absolutely ooed and awed. I have been dying to see him, and he is so lovely! I just am aching to hold him. Seriously, my arms hurt for it. And I have never seen E before. Crazy.

Speaking of E, she is just gorgeous! Do you get comments on that beautiful hair everywhere you go?!?!? You must! And she has so much spunk and personality just shining through the pictures. I love it.

You are looking, as Bekah would say, "Simply Gorgeous, my dah-ling." Have you even had a baby recently!??! You look stunning. Aaron, you look good, too. Fatherhood suits you. You all look so nice together. :)

I love the trick or treating and the blessing pictures. Oh, and the park. Oh, all of it. I've been dying to see pictures since the newest one's addition. Just love it. :)


Princess Gerty said...

Cool photos. I'm glad you have amazing moms to help out! Baby A looks so big! He may be bigger than his older cousin here.

Toni said...

WOW, I can't believe you have two already! I never get to look at your blog anymore because I'm at work all day now. Congrats on the new addition (not new anymore, I realize) and I can't get over how adorable your little girl's curls are!! Glad to see you're doing well.