Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Thank You Watercolor

So, since we've been married, I've written a lot more thank you notes than I ever did before. I think it's a good change, but I've always loved making my own cards. I know it's pretty ghetto to do, considering I usually made it from construction paper. I think Woodine saved a few of those construction paper wonders I made for her. So, I found a way to satisfy my urge and still make something that I think is pretty good. Here are some of the results:

I attached the thank you note on the back and ta-da I have a thank you card. I think a certain SPH-1 and Daddy-O might recognize one of these. Hopefully. I find that I don't have the personal drive to paint if it is just for me, so I love this new set up. I get to watercolor, and someone gets a card. The only downside is saying goodbye to the pieces I like when I put them in the envelope. But at least I have the pictures.


Mark said...


Peanut said...

Wow. Nice work!

B said...

Wow! Can I commission some thank you cards?! You do great work Wood! Keep it up!

Taffy said...

You paintings are beautiful! I would love to get a card like that! (I think I know what you should do for B's birthday.)

Lady said...

Wood - those are great. You should make up sets and sell them or donate them for fundraisers for your ward. I know they would sell. We are having a service auction in our ward to raise $ for YW camp. People can donate items or service. I bet your cards would bring a hefty price. I'd buy them!

Froga-lee said...

Cool cards! Homemade cards are the best. Are you painting from photos or your memory and imagination?

Trick said...

I had the same dilemma with my artwork, until I started doing color photocopies. Now I can sell or give away copies and still keep the original. Your work is so beautiful, even a copy would be great. WOW!

Christine said...

I just looked for good pictures online, and painted from them. I wouldn't feel right selling work that was originally another artist's / photographer's work.

Boss said...

Those are beautiful! They make me want to send you a present or something, just so I can get a thank you note. Now what do I have lying around . . . ;)

Christine said...

I think you still have your first born child. . .

Boss said...

True, true. And while there are certainly days when I'd like to ship him off, href="http://meatychunks.blogspot.com/2007/03/fifty-pounds-of-poop.html">this is more what I had in mind. You know, cause it's lying around. (And also because the neighbors are sick of me leaving it on their porch.)

But lucky for you, I have no intention of paying the postage for a 50 pound package.

Please realize my crass offer is in no way a reflection of your artwork, which is beautiful (still).

Also, if you're concerned about copyright, I thought I'd mention this site, which provides access to images that can be used (to varying degrees) for derivative artwork.

Boss said...

PS: That first link should be this.