Friday, July 20, 2007


So, if you didn't remember, we made an announcement a little while ago. Well, she came.

MaryP Henrichsen was born at 3:36 pm on Wednesday, July 18th. She weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces and was 19 inches long. Both mom and baby are doing great and taking their first nap at home right now.

I think her new name will be Mary Poppins because she is "Practically perfect in every way."

This picture was taken about 20 seconds after MaryP was born. The doctor told Woodine that after her head came out she would pause to clean out her nose and mouth then she should push out the body, but when she came MaryP came out all at once, surprising the doctor. MaryP was ready and rarin' to go!

Woodine was due on Saturday, July 14th. Saturday came and went. We had consigned ourselves to the fact that she was probably going to come late. Woodine was small for a 9 month pregnant woman, and hadn't had many contractions. We saw the doctor on Tuesday. Since MaryP kept on growing, but mom's belly wasn't the doctor asked us if we wanted to be induced right then. With my eyebrows raised I said, "uh. . . sure." But Woodine hadn't had a good night sleep, and we were planning on taking a nap right after the Dr's appointment, so we opted to be induced the next morning (not like Woodine or I got a good night's sleep that night - too much anticipation). We showed up and they broke her water and started her on Pitocin at 8:00 am. By noon, she was having strong hard contractions closer than the nurse wanted. Woodine opted to get an epidural. It was a lifesaver. The rest of the labor was more like rest and less like labor. She could hardly feel the contractions, but she still progressed rapidly. MaryP's heart rate dipped during two contractions in a row. The nurse decided to check her progress, and found that the baby was coming really soon. She called the doctor and told her to come quickly. They set up quickly and then MaryP came quickly. From induction to birth it took about 7 1/2 hours. Not bad for a first pregnancy.

I honestly expected MaryP to be uglier when she was born. We looked online about some things, like when to clamp the cord and found pictures that grossed both of us out. MaryP was cleaner and prettier than any of those pictures. Yes she was purple, but I think anyone if they had to go through what MaryP went through.

I can't believe how much we have been blessed. So many things have gone so well for us. I know many people who have had so many more trials along the way. I can't help but thank God for giving me a healthy baby girl and a healthy wife.


Tim said...

Congratulations! Some cute pictures. Still got a ways to go if you want to keep up with the Robinsons :)
I'm excited for you guys.
Thanks for keeping us updated.

Peanut said...

Congratulations! Ms. MaryP is beautiful! Nice work all of you.

Anonymous said...


Cougarg said...

First, congatulations. Second, Alison probably doesn't want to hear this, but if the trend continues, no one will catch up Tim. I hope that takes the pressure off even attempting to keep up with the Robinsons.

So, I can't remember, are you in Washington now, or is the move yet to happen?

alison said...

I don't know...#2 was 14 months after #1, but #3 was 28 months after seems the trend is either 14(x) or 14(2)^x (starting with #2). Pretty easy to keep/catch up with!

MaryP sure is beautiful.

Congratulations, you guys. I wish you all the best.

alison said...

Ooh, it would be 14(2)^(x-1), right?! It took me an extra minute to get that... :)

Anonymous said...

Christine! She is sooo cute!!! It makes me a little sad... I remember when Kenna was that little and cute... no shes cute and a handful, and she only 4 months! My how they grow!!

Emmy said...

Congratulations! She looks like you guys! She is so cute.

Princess Gerty said...

FANTASTIC!! I am so glad everything went so smoothly! What a GORGEOUS little angel! We love you guys! Congrats!

caron said...

Wood, I know you are biased and all, but she really is a beautiful baby. Congratulations to both of you for the arrival of MaryP! I am so happy for your little family!

Froga-lee said...

Wellcome to the world of parenthood! Your little Poppins is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pictures and bits of the experience. It's so exciting!. I remember you (Wood) as a newborn and it just tickles me to see you have your own little one. Give her a cuddle from her Auntie Frog.

Taffy said...

She is beautiful! (Both MaryP and Woodine) I know I'm biased and I always think my babies are the most beautiful but well, I think MaryP must be related to my kids 'cause she is just a darling! Congratulations family of three!

Anonymous said...

She(and her Momma) is beautiful.
Love to the 3 of you. Aunt Betty Boop

Toni said...

Wow, congrats! Your birthing story makes me less nervous for my own arrival around Thanksgiving. Christine, I stumbled upon your blog today through Michelle's, I'm glad I'll be able to keep up with what's going on with you guys now. I hope you're both doing well! BTW, why does he call you Woodine?

Ree said...

And baby makes three! What a beautiful addition to the family. Congratulations Woods--We are so excited for you. Many blessings to you as you begin your adventure in parenting.

Lady said...

I am SOOOO glad that everything went well and you were able to get an epidural since you progressed so quickly. She is so petite and so beautiful. None of my newborns were as pretty!! (or as petite now that I think about it, mine were fatties) I hope the transition is fun and easy!

B said...

Sorry so late to comment...we've been computerless again! Congratulations! I'm so glad everything went so well, and everyone looks GREAT. Beautiful MaryP, welcome to the are already loved by many!

Anonymous said...

congratulations! She's absolutely beautiful, I'm so glad everything went well. She is such a pretty newborn, my little Emma sure wasn't (but she's a cutie now :o) Take it easy and enjoy this stage, it goes so fast.