Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Main Entry: qual·i·fied
Pronunciation: 'kwä-l&-"fId
Function: adjective
1 a : fitted (as by training or experience) for a given purpose : COMPETENT b : having complied with the specific requirements or precedent conditions (as for an office or employment) : ELIGIBLE

Yesterday and today Wood finished the last two big requirements to become qualified. This included a hands-on exam where he was the head-officer standing watch over the nuclear reactor and they throw problems and situations at him to see how he responds. Today were his final oral boards. He did well on both and is done! This means he can go to his sub (where he has to re-qualify for that particular sub) and start doing what he's been training to be doing for the last 2 years. In a bit of irony today was his 1 year mark of starting training here in NY. He will spend the remainder of his time here assisting other students. (And taking care of a baby. Whenever she decides to show up......)

I am so proud of him and how hard he's worked. Way to go honey!


Anonymous said...

Well Done! Congratulations! We feel some pride in Wood, too. See you soon!

Emmy said...

Awesome job Wood! Congratulations!

Lady said...

Way to go Wood! Its great to see 2 years worth of training come to and end and YOU DO really know your stuff. Good luck in your next endeavors both as the man in charge of a ship and a baby!

B said...

I knew you'd do it Wood! Glad things are going well...here's sending labor vibes your way...do a good job in that too, Woods!

Princess Gerty said...

WAY TO GO WOOD! I LOVE YOU AND I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! You are also going to be a great dad!