Monday, March 17, 2008

Geek in Pink

One of the things I really respect about my little brother is that he is a go-getter. It's motivational for me. When he was little he started a face painting business and actually made some money. When he was a little older he decided he wanted to get his black belt so he started in Tae Kwan Do and several years later, black belt. He may be skinny, but you don't want to mess with him! :) He decided to audition for school musicals and was the lead his sophomore year. He's not afraid to try new things, even if it means falling down sometimes. He always gets back up and keeps going. His freshman year of college he joined an a capella group. They were ok. After his mission he and one of the other guys decided to form a new group so they held auditions and got some good responses.

Here's one of the songs, Geek in Pink**, that they performed at the BYU a capella jam in the fall. For a start-up a capella group, I think they are pretty good!! My brother is the whistler and some background singing in this one. I'm so proud of him for always being willing to stretch himself and try new things. He's already accomplished so much, I'm excited to see where he will go in life....

**I'm experiencing technical difficulties - my lack of internet savviness being the difficulty. Until I can fix that you'll have to trust me, it's good!


I stinketh not!! said...

I'm happy you don't take for granted a great brother. It's nice when you have family that your close too. Does he have any song out there that we can listen too. I would really like to hear them. See ya soon

Christine said...

Yep, click on the link to Geek in Pink - it should open Windows Media player.

familiar ring said...

I clicked on the link, and it just sent me to google mail and told me to sign in. When I did, it gave me an error. But maybe that's just my computer.
That's one dang cool kid, though.

Princess Gerty said...

What a cool brother! And a nice tribute! I can't wait to hear the music!