Thursday, October 29, 2009


I was talking with my wife (who is Biochemist by education) and we concluded that:

1. the person in charge of Family Reunion
2. the person in charge of Reunion Shirts
3. the wife of person #2

all like the DNA shirt the best. Therefore we will do idea number 3.

OK OK OK. . . fine.

We'll do the family tree. I think that would be the best one anyway. I just love #3 so much. I'll miss it. Here is what I got done today.I still need to hammer out Uncle Squash Eater's posterity - I'll call him tomorrow. Also, I will have to see if I can get a better spacing for the families. Please, Please, if you have any witty slogans or things to say and do, let me know. Also, if you catch an error, let me know.

I will include changes at a later date (ie. jr mint and boss's bun) when it is closer to reunion.


Peanut said...

Good stuff. Thanks Wood.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, help needed on Uncle Squash Eater's kids/grandkids (wrong granddaughter married, more grand kids on some) but if you will be talking to him, that will all be cleared up soon! GREAT job Wood!


Mark said...

I liked the DNA one too