Monday, October 26, 2009

What do you think?

I know that some people won't know what this is about, but for those who do: I would love some feedback. I give no promises that one of these will or will not be the design. But I do promise to read any feedback that I get. Especially awesome ideas. Obviously these are works in progress. If you don't understand what these are about, just ask, I'll explain more in comments.

----One Idea----

----Another Idea----

----A Third Idea----


Boss said...

I'm confused by #1 -- do the dots represent RAH/REH generation siblings, or geographic location of all Allen and Bertha descendants? I like #2 best, I think. I probably don't get it, but I think it's cute and funny. (Maybe you could made the circles hold little dishtowels though, you know, as a shout out to old-school Battleship.) #3 made me laugh out loud, but DNA is not my nerdy area of expertise so I can't pick that one.

Thanks for doing this. I can tell you spent a lot of time (and clearly had a lot of fun) coming up with these!

Peanut said...

I love #3--I think it's hilarious. But DNA is my nerdy area of expertise.
I also like the idea of #2--I've actually been trying to come up with a fun/interesting way to have a family tree--maybe with pictures, and maybe carry it over to nametags... or something.
Point is I like #2 and #3.

Aaron said...

I just threw #1 together in about 5 minutes (I've had the idea for longer but was fretting about how to represent concentrated groups of people, or how to handle deceased people), but the intention was to have all family members have dots, so I should have done one in LA for Craig and Dallas and everywhere else that I didn't bother to look up at the time. Boss, I was thinking aprons and a little pregnant pooch would be better than dishtowels . . . I don't know.

Emmy said...

I think they are all awesome! I need to look at them some more to see if I can give any suggestions. Good job Wood!

Peanut said...

for design #2 it might be fun to hand out fluorescent smiley face stickers for the wearer to indicate which square or circle he/she is.
Sort of like the "You are here" arrows on mall directory.

Ree said...

Maps/diagrams. Are you an engineer? I like #2 the best. And the "you are here" idea is funny. Thanks for sharing your time and talents for this project, Wood.