Monday, June 04, 2007


We have our orders, which is a huge relief! We will be leaving for Connecticut in August for a 10 week submarine school. Wood reports August 20th. The baby and I will probably join him a week after that. We just found out August. Our initial orders asked us to report in June, ~3 weeks before my due date. Wood's been working with people and they've just given the ok for August. We know moving with a 4-6 week old will not be easy either, but we are excited to have the baby here where we like the doctors and the hospital and where many supportive friends are close by.

After the 10 weeks in Groton, CT we are headed to the great Northwest!!! Yep, we are to be stationed for the next 2.5 to 3 years out of Bangor, WA. This is on the Kitsap peninsula just north of Bremerton. Wood will be on the Henry M. Jackson, an SSBN or ballistic missile sub.

This is what we've been hoping and praying for. This means his sea tours will be 2.5-3 months at a time instead of 6-8+ months at a time. And there are 2 crews on SSBNs, so he'll do a tour, come back, work on and sub maintenance that needs to be done, and then the next crew will go out for a few months and he will be around (as much as the Navy allows). We are so grateful. There have been ups and downs this last year and a lot of not knowing what is happening next. But I know Heavenly Father is guiding this process. That doesn't mean things will always be easy, but I feel these assignments are tender mercies. We are very grateful and very excited!


Lady said...

Congratulations!!! I am so glad everything has worked out in your best interest. I think moving with a 4-6 week old is much better than moving 3 weeks before the baby with the change in doctors and the whole unknown when exactly the baby would be there and unpacking etc... We will sure miss having you close but I am happy Wood will be making the shorter trips. Maybe when he's done in WA you could come this way for a while! :)

Boss said...

That's great news! I know what a relief it is to go from not-knowing to knowing. Especially when the final answer is the one you've been hoping for. Good luck with everything!

Cougarg said...

Get ready for lots of drizzle! I lived in Olympia, WA when I was a small boy. And while WA is still a ways away, It'll be more likely to see you guys than being on the East Coast.

Ree said...

So glad to hear your good news. Moving in the last month of pregnancy would not be fun at all.

Anonymous said...

Our old friend "Cinjoella" just got a job at a library in Olympia ... we should plan a Washington State get-together sometime!

Taffy said...

Wow, so exciting for you! It's so nice when you get those orders cause then you can start planning! Just hope they don't change them on you now! I'm so relieved that your move is scheduled after the baby comes! We moved from Utah to CA when Jessie was just 3.5 weeks old. A little tough- but I didn't know any better 'cause she was the first baby. I think though that it would have been much harder to move 3 weeks before she came.

Anonymous said...

Hi, This is Aunt Betty, sister of the SPHs. I presently live in Tacoma WA and would be delighted see and visit with you/possibly show you some of the area. My son was a part of the Bangor Police Dept there on Subase Bangor (as was my husband)and I know he (Kim) would be glad to help you become familiar with the area. I lived in Bremerton and on our boat in Kingston, north of Bangor four years. I am certain you will love the area--have been told it is one of the most beautiful of all military bases. Auntie BBoop