Friday, October 05, 2007

Early Start

We got a great jump-start on our day today. A 3:40 AM jump start. MaryP was sleeping soundly, but Wood's alarm had gone off around 2:45 and we had fallen back asleep (can you blame us?). Somehow the time on his clock was set 4 hours ahead and so when we re-woke at "7:40" (aka 3:40) we thought we'd over-slept and that he was running late. We hopped out of bed and quickly started getting ready, only to notice the correct time on other clocks. With a relieved sigh we climbed back under the covers, almost with a sense of cheating time and getting extra sleep. Almost.


Ree said...


Lady said...

I don't know if I'd be more upset that I was up in the middle of the night or so happy that I felt like I was getting extra sleep (even though I wasn't). It'd be a good psych analysis.