Monday, January 07, 2008

Feeling Good

A few weeks ago a friend was telling me about an awesome workout class that she attends, and from what she described I knew the class was definitely not for me. Not that something like that wouldn't be good for me, it's just I know that at present I'm out of shape enough that I would pass out mid-class and seriously embarrass myself.

I have been wanting to get back in shape. Nursing and not eating lunch (I forget to when Wood is at work and MaryP is napping - I just get busy doing other things) has brought me down to below my pre-pregnancy weight. This is great because I wanted to lose weight pre-pregnancy anyway.

Unfortunately 1. I'm not nursing anymore (which I'm sad about but there you go) 2. I'm going to make a concerted effort to eat lunch - it just makes me feel more normal, and 3. Just because I've lost weight does not mean I'm in shape. I get worn out too easily.

At the library we found this great DVD and I liked it so much I bought it. This is big for me because I don't usually enjoy work-out videos more then once or twice, but I love this one. No, it's not intense. No, I'm not maximizing my work-out time. But yes, I am moving. I'm getting up and doing something. And it makes me feel really good and gives me more energy for my day. And, I love that I can do it with MaryP - I enjoy spending that time with her. MaryP is still not so sure how she feels about the video, she looks at me like "Mom, what are we doing?" But she tolerates it. I also got Baby Reps. We want to do a lot of hiking in this area, so hopefully between the three I can get to a place where I really feel good.


smlaw said...

That is a fun mother daughter activity. I did a short thing like that with H once and even now she will ask to do some of the things we did. Sorry about the not nursing thing- you gave it all you had which is fantastic!

Taffy said...

That sounds like a fun workout! Perhaps I'll give it a try...perhaps.

alison said...

I have a very strange postnatal yoga dvd I tried a couple times; it's very...spiritual?