Friday, July 11, 2008

Floor Hockey

My back aches, my arm is bruised, my ankle is swollen, and I plan on returning for more punishment - yes, I have begun playing floor hockey.

When we first moved here one of the questions I was asked most often was "Are you coming to floor hockey?" Apparently the sisters in our Stake got together weekly for a friendly match. We were new, Wood was busy with the boat, I was still adjusting, so I'd politely decline. The weeks went on, the invitations kept coming, and I would continue to decline. My two major inhibitions were that 1. Evenings are my time. MaryP is down for bed and I can spend the time with Wood when he is home (this is very important to me) or read, or get a few things done if it has been a particularly crazy day.

2. I have major sports-phobia. I get a big adrenaline rush before any athletic competition and have been this way since elementary school - it's true. I don't mind if the only person on the team is me - like in a running race. If I win, great. If I lose, no big deal. But team sports is another matter entirely (especially if I don't know my teammates). It's funny because if someone else on my team makes a mistake I think "Hey, no big deal, it's just a game!" and I forget about it. But if I make a mistake I feel like I've let the whole team down. Silly, I know, but silly or not, that's my struggle. Added to this is that I'm OK athletically, but nothing to write home about. So the idea of playing a sport I've never played in front of a bunch of women I barely knew was a terrifying prospect. *Wood, though very loving and supportive, found this difficult to understand as he enjoys getting to know people by playing sports with them - and he loves any form of hockey.

The months went by and although the stake season ended, some sisters in our ward enjoyed it so much that they continued to play. So continued the friendly invitations and so continued my polite refusals. I got to know sisters through activities, book groups, etc and was happy with that.

One evening Wood was the priesthood holder there (floor hockey takes place late in the evening) so I reluctantly went along. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed playing. I am no star athlete and the ball passes right by my stick more times then I care to admit, but it was so much fun to run around after the ball and learning to pass and shoot. And this sisters are so friendly (this is no surprise) that I felt more encouraged for my (few) good moves then I felt bad for all of my mistakes. That was two weeks ago. I went again this past week and enjoyed myself again - though I plan on investing in a set of shin-guards. Thank you Wood for encouraging me and thank you sisters for including me - I've enjoyed this step out of my comfort zone!


They call me a Navy Wife said...

I am so glad that you finally came! I can say that I am addicted to it and look forward to Wednesday nights.

alison said...

I'm proud of you! I understand having a hard time getting out there into unknown sports with unknown people...Good job!

The Shaw Family said...

I hope you are ok with me looking at your blog. I saw it on Tricia's. I'm glad you are doing hockey! I miss it! Also, I am so happy you are the 1st counselor. We all knew it was supposed to be you.
Stacy S.

Steph said...

My friend, you play off like you're not a competitive person, but I know the truth!! *coughseminarycough* Hehehe! Love ya, babe! I'm so glad you're having fun with friends in your ward. I've never heard of floor hockey being a church sport.

B said...

I am so jealous! So glad you've joined the hockey world!

Jamie & Ryan said...

I feel the exact same way as you do about playing sports, so it's no lie when I tell you I completely understand! Way to step out of your comfort zone and get out there though! I know that probably wasn't easy. :)

Boss said...

That's really cool. I'd be way too self-conscious to try out a new sport with new friends. Way to go!