Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Year? Already?

So MaryP has now traveled a complete revolution around the sun. I don't know what to say really.

She still regularly gets comments about her big blue eyes when we are out at the grocery store or the mall or wherever. She seems to always put her best foot forward out in public. She says hi to Woodine or me when we greet her - she is a little more reserved with strangers. She is learning and mimicking so quickly. One of our friends in church today said "MaryP is growing up too fast." I agree. I think she cut 3 more teeth this week . . . no wonder she hates brushing her teeth. She is at the point where getting a present is great. MaryP didn't want to open up her birthday presents from her grandparents because we had already given her a ball and she wanted to play with that!

She loves talking to people. She loves making noise (including high pitched screams). MaryP especially loves bouncing. MaryP likes to wake up early and play hard. She loves to run, loves to dance, loves Don McLean's Vincent, loves Mahna Mahna, loves pears and pasta and even loves peanut butter - though she is allergic to it.

I love her.

When I was out to sea and hadn't seen her for several weeks, Woodine sent me a collage of pictures of her when we were resupplied. She had learned to stand up in her crib and really crawl while I was gone. The change in that short amount of time amazed me and made me miss her so much. I cried in my rack (navy term for bed) and later fell asleep looking at it. I slept on the collage (ruining one of my favorite pictures of her).

I have really enjoyed the time I have had to reconnect with MaryP and Woodine.

I really look forward to seeing many of you at reunion. It's been 4 years since I was up at Reid Ranch. Back then my family was a third the size it is now - and a lot less cute and pretty. See you on Tuesday/Wednesday!

1 comment:

I stinketh not!! said...

Wow that picture makes her look so mature ( as one year olds go) Happy Birthday MaryP!